Antonio Hidalgo, President, is the 6th generation of Sherry winemakers and still family owned and operated - Bodegas Hidalgo La Gitana. The winery was founded in 1792 by Pantaleon Hidalgo in Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain. Surrounded all his life with the wonderful world of wines and wine makers has given him the opportunity to be front line with the changes and evolution of Spanish wines in the last two decades. Antonio envisioned from his native Spain to position wines from his country in the United States and that is how Hidalgo Imports was born in 2006. Over the years, wines from other countries where necessary to cover all of our clients demands and that is how we started to distribute wines from Argentina, Chile, Italy and France. A great amount of Hidalgo Imports wines have received the highest ratings from the most important magazines and specialized people in the industry, obtaining great recognition in the country, proving that his long career and experience play a very import role in the profile of the company.